To cover your risks in French resorts that are not part of the direct Orion Ticket Neige network, we invite you to connect to our distribution partners SkiPower or PasseMontagne. These two platforms provide Assur'Glisse insurance solutions, with specific guarantees. Take a look at their websites and apps, which offer skipasses at negotiated rates. There's a good deal on there!
With its teams based in Savoie, negotiates advantageous skipass rates in a large number of French mountain resorts, as well as in Andorra. Discover Passe-Montagne s ski insurance offers on their website
(website in French only)
With SkiPower, take advantage of exceptional financial conditions on skipasses in over 150 mountain resorts in the Alps and Pyrenees. Discover SkiPower s ski insurance offers on their website
(website in French only)