E-commerce / Sales contacts

Contactez le service commercial assuranceski.com

Should you have any question about the assuranceski.com website, your online purchases, payment methods, order confirmations, your personal account on the website or the skipass/insurance association, the Orion Ticket Neige assuranceski.com sales department is listening. Contact us using the form below.


This contact module is reserved for commercial / e-commerce* questions.

You can read our policy policy on the Privacy page.

Contact us

*The assuranceski.com team does NOT have access to personal data related to accidents, rescues, or claims. For these matters, please contact the Insurance and Assistance Customer Service at WTW Mountain.


FOR YOUR TOTAL TRANQUILITY, you should also know that in case of blockage, problem, serious crisis which could not be solved by a cordial discussion, you have the possibility to;
assuranceski.com is published by Orion Ticket Neige, a cooperative company of ski area operators and mountain partners. Discover Orion-TN
Orion-TN mandates the insurance broker WTW Montagne (Gras Savoye) for customer guidance, insurance services, technical and financial management of claims and compensations. Discover WTW Montagne
Assur'Glisse / Assur'Green programme insurer is Mutuaide (Groupama). Discover Mutuaide
Sales department
For your questions about online sales, payments, your assuranceski.com account Contact the Orion Ticket Neige sales department
Insurance customer service
For your questions about your guarantees, claims files, compensations... Contact the WTW Montagne (Gras Savoye) customer service department +33(0)972722245 (dedicated line, call not surcharged)
Secure payments
© 2023 Orion Ticket Neige.