Let us help you

In the near future we will certainly hire a chatbot to automatically guide you, for the moment our webapp is very young, so you will find below the basics of what you need to know about how it works. You can also check our Frequently Asked Questions page. "Hope that helps!

Aide aux utilisateurs du site assurances.com

Calculate a personalized price on assuranceski.com

On the homepage of the site, click on the "Buy online" button (or on Simone's portrait, she likes when people say "Yes" to her). The price of your insurance depends on 4 parameters:

1) your ski resort

2) your practice (alpine skiing, cross-country, snowboard or other)

3) the length of your stay (assuranceski.com sells insurance for the day, the stay, the season...)

4) how many people should be insured

When you have said everything up to point 4, the site displays your price and the details of the product and its guarantees; no need to give out personal details!

Make a purchase on assuranceski.com

After calculating the price on the basis of the 4 simple pieces of information listed above, if the said price and guarantees suit you, you fill in a limited amount of information;

  • the surnames and first names of the persons to be insured (the insurance is personal and non-transferable)
  • the surname, first name and email address of the buyer to receive the order confirmation
  • bank details (on our secure payment module Payplug)...

As soon as your bank gives the go-ahead for payment according to its own security procedures (text-message confirmation, validation via your own mobile banking application), the site displays a confirmation page with information on your purchase and documents to be downloaded, and you receive by email a confirmation of your insurance subscription with the corresponding guarantee texts and useful contacts...

Please note: if you choose to pay by bank transfer, please make sure that you make your buying in advance, as your ski insurance will only be valid if the transfer is received BEFORE the start of your holiday (see page "General Terms and Conditions" section "4. Paiement"). For last-minute buying, please pay by credit card.

Create a personal account on assuranceski.com

The creation of an account is optional. For the time being, the assuranceski.com account is very simple, it allows you to easily find your purchase history and receipts, along with the guarantee notices for the products you have purchased. It will gradually be enriched with new features. You can create it and identify yourself in two ways;

  • either with your Google account; you simply enter the email address and password that you use to log in to Google on your usual applications such as Gmail, calendar, docs, etc.
  • or with an email address and a password of your choice; we don't ask you anything more, it's a practical account for you, with no marketing objective by assuranceski.com

Check that your insurance details match those on your skipass/activity pass

For Assur'Glisse or Assur'Green insurance to be valid, each beneficiary must also hold a personal skipass (or a Nordic pass, or a pass/reservation for a mountain sport or leisure activity) valid for the same activities, places and dates as their insurance. Assur'Glisse or Assur'Green insurance does not live on its own; it is an optional addition to an access or transport pass for a mountain sports or leisure area supervised by professionals.

In the event of an accident, if there is a mismatch between the people, places, activities and dates covered by the insurance and the activity pass (e.g. skipass), our insurer may refuse your claim. This detailed information can be found on your contractual insurance documents provided by assuranceski.com and on the proof of service purchases provided by the ski lift companies. Check that it matches!

Assert your rights on assuranceski.com

Assuranceski.com is a sales platform, you can exercise your rights relating to purchases made on the site by contacting the sales department, or if necessary by using the contacts indicated in our Terms of Use, Terms of sale, and in our Privacy Notice page.

For any rights relating to your claims files and compensation, we invite you to contact the insurance and assistance customer service. According to confidentiality procedures, the assuranceski.com team does not have access to your personal, medical or financial data other than the ones you have told us at the time of your purchase.


AND OF COURSE, we are listening to you at all times
A question, a problem, a kind word? The "All useful contacts" page directs you to your preferred contacts.
assuranceski.com is published by Orion Ticket Neige, a cooperative company of ski area operators and mountain partners. Discover Orion-TN
Orion-TN mandates the insurance broker WTW Montagne (Gras Savoye) for customer guidance, insurance services, technical and financial management of claims and compensations. Discover WTW Montagne
Assur'Glisse / Assur'Green programme insurer is Mutuaide (Groupama). Discover Mutuaide
Sales department
For your questions about online sales, payments, your assuranceski.com account Contact the Orion Ticket Neige sales department
Insurance customer service
For your questions about your guarantees, claims files, compensations... Contact the WTW Montagne (Gras Savoye) customer service department +33(0)972722245 (dedicated line, call not surcharged)
Secure payments
© 2023 Orion Ticket Neige.